As Christians, we have hope amidst the apparent hopelessness of the world. We know that Jesus is making all things new, and we have a role to play in His plan. Our vision is to be a faithful community of saints who take the gospel boldly into south-central Indiana, being the light in the darkness and salt to the earth.
To achieve this vision, we must be willing to sacrifice our time, comfort, and convenience, be patient and determined to stay the course, regardless of difficulties. We need a new reformation based on eternal truths that turned the world upside down in the 1st and 16th Centuries. The future of Christendom is at stake, and we must be salt and light in central Indiana. |
Holy Trinity Reformed Church aims to worship and serve God through Trinitarian-centered liturgy, community, and mission. We want to be transformed by the renewing of our minds, grow in holiness and wisdom, and make disciples of all nations. We are a particular church of Christians who are associated for divine worship and godly living according to the Scriptures, and we submit to the lawful government of Christ’s Kingdom.
Our ordinances include prayer, singing praises, reading, expounding and preaching the Word of God, administering the sacraments of Baptism and the Lord’s Supper, public solemn fasting and thanksgiving, catechising, making offerings for the relief of the poor, and exercising discipline. We are committed to being a true church of Jesus Christ and emphasize the three marks of a true church: the faithful preaching of the Gospel, the faithful administration of the sacraments, and the faithful practice of church discipline.
Holy Trinity Reformed Church is a branch of the Reformed faith, belonging to Evangel Presbytery, which is committed to historic Protestant and Reformed practice and doctrine. We fully embrace Sola Scriptura, the belief that all doctrine must be sourced and validated by the Bible alone. Our theological viewpoint places a strong focus on the sovereignty of God and the importance of faith and salvation, with doctrines rooted in its Calvinist roots.
We honor the faithful expressions of the Church throughout history and are Protestant Traditionalists. Our desire is to contend earnestly for the faith which was once for all handed down to the saints. The beauty, history, and emotion vested in traditional liturgical rites, devotionals, and services serve as reminders of one Lord, one faith, and one baptism.
The Westminster Confession of Faith establishes our attitude of strict adherence to biblical truths and the centrality of canonical scriptures. It reinforces the notion of salvation derived from faith in Jesus Christ, the necessity of repentance and new life, along with a commitment to the sovereignty of God, who is Lord over all.
Our liturgy incorporates elements such as preaching, sacraments, psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs, Scripture reading, and congregational participation, shaping the culture of the church and anchoring its members in the faith and message of the gospel.
In summary, Holy Trinity Reformed Church is committed to the ancient faith, rooted in Reformed Theology, with an emphasis on the three marks of a true church. We seek to be a light in the darkness, honor the faithful expressions of the Church throughout history, and uphold strict adherence to biblical truths and the centrality of canonical scriptures in our liturgy.
Our ordinances include prayer, singing praises, reading, expounding and preaching the Word of God, administering the sacraments of Baptism and the Lord’s Supper, public solemn fasting and thanksgiving, catechising, making offerings for the relief of the poor, and exercising discipline. We are committed to being a true church of Jesus Christ and emphasize the three marks of a true church: the faithful preaching of the Gospel, the faithful administration of the sacraments, and the faithful practice of church discipline.
Holy Trinity Reformed Church is a branch of the Reformed faith, belonging to Evangel Presbytery, which is committed to historic Protestant and Reformed practice and doctrine. We fully embrace Sola Scriptura, the belief that all doctrine must be sourced and validated by the Bible alone. Our theological viewpoint places a strong focus on the sovereignty of God and the importance of faith and salvation, with doctrines rooted in its Calvinist roots.
We honor the faithful expressions of the Church throughout history and are Protestant Traditionalists. Our desire is to contend earnestly for the faith which was once for all handed down to the saints. The beauty, history, and emotion vested in traditional liturgical rites, devotionals, and services serve as reminders of one Lord, one faith, and one baptism.
The Westminster Confession of Faith establishes our attitude of strict adherence to biblical truths and the centrality of canonical scriptures. It reinforces the notion of salvation derived from faith in Jesus Christ, the necessity of repentance and new life, along with a commitment to the sovereignty of God, who is Lord over all.
Our liturgy incorporates elements such as preaching, sacraments, psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs, Scripture reading, and congregational participation, shaping the culture of the church and anchoring its members in the faith and message of the gospel.
In summary, Holy Trinity Reformed Church is committed to the ancient faith, rooted in Reformed Theology, with an emphasis on the three marks of a true church. We seek to be a light in the darkness, honor the faithful expressions of the Church throughout history, and uphold strict adherence to biblical truths and the centrality of canonical scriptures in our liturgy.