How do I become a Christian?
To become a Christian, one must acknowledge their need for salvation as a sinner and put their faith in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. This involves confessing one's sins, asking for forgiveness, and committing to follow Jesus.
Becoming a Christian involves acknowledging your need for a Savior, believing in Jesus Christ as that Savior, and following Him as Lord. Here are some steps you can take to become a Christian:
1. Recognize your need for a Savior: The Bible teaches that all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23). This means that we are separated from God by our sin and cannot save ourselves.
2. Believe in Jesus Christ: God commended His love to us, even when we were yet sinners, He sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to die on the cross for our sins and rise again on the third day. By trusting in Jesus' sacrifice, we can receive forgiveness and eternal life. John 3:16 says, "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life."
3. Repent of your sins: Repentance means turning away from your sins and turning towards God. Acts 3:19 says, "Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord."
4. Confess your faith in Jesus Christ: Romans 10:9 says, "If you declare with your mouth, 'Jesus is Lord,' and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved."
5. Follow Jesus as Lord: Following Jesus means surrendering your life to Him and living in obedience to His Word. Jesus said in Luke 9:23, "Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me."
If you would like to become a Christian, ask God to be merciful to you a sinner, acknowledge and confess your sin, and your desire to follow Jesus as your Savior and Lord. If this is your desire, please contact Holy Trinity Reformed Church and we will direct you to someone who can help guide you in your new journey of faith.
Becoming a Christian involves acknowledging your need for a Savior, believing in Jesus Christ as that Savior, and following Him as Lord. Here are some steps you can take to become a Christian:
1. Recognize your need for a Savior: The Bible teaches that all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23). This means that we are separated from God by our sin and cannot save ourselves.
2. Believe in Jesus Christ: God commended His love to us, even when we were yet sinners, He sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to die on the cross for our sins and rise again on the third day. By trusting in Jesus' sacrifice, we can receive forgiveness and eternal life. John 3:16 says, "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life."
3. Repent of your sins: Repentance means turning away from your sins and turning towards God. Acts 3:19 says, "Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord."
4. Confess your faith in Jesus Christ: Romans 10:9 says, "If you declare with your mouth, 'Jesus is Lord,' and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved."
5. Follow Jesus as Lord: Following Jesus means surrendering your life to Him and living in obedience to His Word. Jesus said in Luke 9:23, "Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me."
If you would like to become a Christian, ask God to be merciful to you a sinner, acknowledge and confess your sin, and your desire to follow Jesus as your Savior and Lord. If this is your desire, please contact Holy Trinity Reformed Church and we will direct you to someone who can help guide you in your new journey of faith.
What should I expect when visiting for the first time?
Visiting Holy Trinity Reformed Church for the first time may feel different from other church experiences you may have had. Here are some things you can expect:
1. Emphasis on the Bible: Holy Trinity places a strong emphasis on the Bible as the Word of God. You can expect the preaching and teaching to be centered on the Bible. We primarily use the New King James Version for our public reading of God’s Word but in our liturgy and sermons we will also utilize the New American Standard Bible 1995, the Authorized King James Version, and other conservative translations.
2. Worship style: Worship at Holy Trinity is typically more traditional, with hymns and liturgy being common. The focus is on the worship of God, rather than entertainment or personal preference. However, we will use theologically sound contemporary songs and we are not opposed to a variety of instruments.
3. Sacraments: Holy Trinity places a high value on the sacraments of Baptism and the Lord's Supper. The sacraments may be observed regularly during worship services.
4. Reformed theology: Holy Trinity holds to a specific set of theological beliefs that may be different from what you are used to. This includes the doctrines of grace, covenant theology, and the sovereignty of God. Our beliefs are based on the authority of Scripture but we believe the ancient creeds and Reformed confessions are excellent aids for understanding Christian faith and practice.
5. Dress code: While there is no official dress code for attending Holy Trinity, many members dress modestly and respectfully out of reverence for God.
6. Friendly welcome: Visitors are welcomed warmly at Holy Trinity. You can expect to be greeted by members of the congregation and may be offered information about the church or invited to stay for fellowship after the service.
If you have any questions or concerns, don't hesitate to speak with a pastor or church member. They will likely be happy to answer your questions and help you feel at home at Holy Trinity Reformed Church.
1. Emphasis on the Bible: Holy Trinity places a strong emphasis on the Bible as the Word of God. You can expect the preaching and teaching to be centered on the Bible. We primarily use the New King James Version for our public reading of God’s Word but in our liturgy and sermons we will also utilize the New American Standard Bible 1995, the Authorized King James Version, and other conservative translations.
2. Worship style: Worship at Holy Trinity is typically more traditional, with hymns and liturgy being common. The focus is on the worship of God, rather than entertainment or personal preference. However, we will use theologically sound contemporary songs and we are not opposed to a variety of instruments.
3. Sacraments: Holy Trinity places a high value on the sacraments of Baptism and the Lord's Supper. The sacraments may be observed regularly during worship services.
4. Reformed theology: Holy Trinity holds to a specific set of theological beliefs that may be different from what you are used to. This includes the doctrines of grace, covenant theology, and the sovereignty of God. Our beliefs are based on the authority of Scripture but we believe the ancient creeds and Reformed confessions are excellent aids for understanding Christian faith and practice.
5. Dress code: While there is no official dress code for attending Holy Trinity, many members dress modestly and respectfully out of reverence for God.
6. Friendly welcome: Visitors are welcomed warmly at Holy Trinity. You can expect to be greeted by members of the congregation and may be offered information about the church or invited to stay for fellowship after the service.
If you have any questions or concerns, don't hesitate to speak with a pastor or church member. They will likely be happy to answer your questions and help you feel at home at Holy Trinity Reformed Church.
What are the core beliefs of Holy Trinity Reformed Church?
At Holy Trinity Reformed Church, we subscribe to Reformed theology, which emphasizes the sovereignty of God, the authority of Scripture, and the need for personal transformation through sanctification. We affirm the doctrines of grace, including the sovereignty of God in salvation, and subscribe to historic Reformed confessions such as the Westminster Confession of Faith and the 1689 London Confession.
How can I get involved in the church's ministries and activities?
If you're interested in getting involved in the church's ministries and activities, the first step is to determine if Holy Trinity Reformed Church is where you and your family desire to worship and serve the Lord. If so, we have a membership process to receive new members and plug them into the work of the church.
What is the church's approach to counseling and pastoral care?
We believe that counseling and pastoral care are important parts of the church's ministry. We offer counseling and pastoral care to our members and others in the community who are in need. We believe that the Bible provides the foundation for all counseling and pastoral care, and that the Holy Spirit is the ultimate counselor and comforter. Shepherds are commanded to care, love, discipline, and train the sheep.
What is the Reformed Faith?
The Reformed tradition refers to the theological tradition that emerged during the Protestant Reformation in the 16th century. Reformed theology emphasizes the sovereignty of God, the authority of Scripture, and the need for personal transformation through sanctification. This tradition affirms the doctrines of grace, including the sovereignty of God in salvation. Reformed churches also subscribe to ancient Church creeds such as the Apostles Creed and Nicene Creed, and the historic Reformed confessions such as the Westminster Confession of Faith and the 1689 London Confession.
What is Sola Scriptura?
Sola Scriptura is a Latin term that means "Scripture alone." This principle refers to the belief that Scripture alone is sufficient for determining Christian doctrine and practice. It affirms that the Bible is the ultimate authority for faith and practice, and that it is the only infallible and authoritative rule of faith.
What is Reformed or Protestant Traditionalism?
Reformed or Protestant Traditionalism refers to the practice of adhering to the authority of Scripture while also recognizing and respecting historical Church traditions that are based upon the Bible. At Holy Trinity Reformed Church, we reject unbiblical traditions while honoring Biblical traditions as commanded by Paul in 2 Thessalonians 2:15.
What is the Trinity?
The Trinity is the Christian doctrine that there is one God who exists in three persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Each person of the Trinity is fully God, yet there is one God. This doctrine is central to the Christian faith.
What is liturgical worship?
Liturgical worship is a structured form of worship that follows a set order or liturgy. It typically involves elements such as prayers, readings from Scripture, and the celebration of the sacraments. Liturgical worship is common in many Christian traditions, including Catholic, Orthodox, and Anglican churches.
What are the means of grace?
The means of grace are specific practices or experiences that are believed to facilitate spiritual growth and renewal. They include activities such as prayer, Bible study, the sacraments, and fellowship with other believers.
Is Holy Trinity affiliated with any denomination or organization?
Holy Trinity Reformed Church is affiliated with Evangel Presbytery, a new association of Reformed churches. Reformed theology emphasizes the authority of Scripture, the sovereignty of God, and the salvation of sinners by grace alone through faith in Jesus Christ. Evangel Presbytery is committed to Presbyterian Polity, Reformed Confessionalism, Freedom on Baptism, Contemporary Confessionalism, Church Unity, and Reformed Pastoral Care.
Why did you (a Baptist church) join Evangel Presbytery?
As a Baptist church, Holy Trinity Reformed Church joined Evangel Presbytery because of our shared commitment to Reformed theology and Presbyterian polity. While we hold some distinct Baptist beliefs and practices, we recognize the many areas of agreement with our Presbyterian brothers and sisters, such as our shared belief in the authority of Scripture and the doctrines of grace. By joining Evangel Presbytery, we are able to connect with like-minded churches, learn from one another, and engage in broader Reformed ministry and mission.
Do you baptize babies?
As a Reformed Baptist church, we practice believer's baptism, which involves baptizing individuals who have made a personal profession of faith in Jesus Christ. However, we also accommodate infant baptism for our paedobaptist brethren. We believe that baptism is a sacrament of the church and a sign and seal of the covenant between God and his people. We accept both credobaptists (those who baptize believers only) and paedobaptists (those who baptize infants and young children) into covenant membership, recognizing that sincere believers may hold differing views on the timing and mode of baptism while rejecting baptismal regeneration. Nevertheless, we affirm that the mode and timing of baptism should reflect the biblical principles of the authority of Scripture and the importance of personal faith in Jesus Christ as the basis for baptism.
Do you provide childcare?
We believe that the worship and ministry of the church is for the whole family, both adults and children, both communion and non-communing and, as such, are entitled to the church’s care, love, discipline, and training. We strive to create an environment where families can worship together. However, we understand that infants and young children may need extra attention and care during services. To accommodate this, we provide a nursery and mother's room for parents to care for their children while still being able to participate in the service. We welcome children of all ages in our services and encourage families to worship together as much as possible.
What is the church's view on missions and evangelism?
As a Reformed church, we believe that the Great Commission is a central part of the church's mission. We believe that the gospel should be shared with all people and that we are called to make disciples of all nations. We support missions work both locally and abroad, and encourage our members to participate in evangelistic outreach and discipleship.
What is the church's position on stewardship and giving?
We believe that all that we have belongs to God and that we are called to be good stewards of the resources he has given us. We encourage our members to give generously and sacrificially, both to support the work of the church and to help those in need. We believe that giving is an act of worship and a way of expressing our gratitude to God for his blessings.
What is the church's stance on ecumenical relations with other Christian denominations?
We believe that all true believers are united in Christ and that we should strive for unity with other Christians as much as possible. However, we also believe that unity should be based on a common commitment to the truth of Scripture and that we cannot compromise our beliefs in order to achieve unity. We are open to dialogue and cooperation with other Christian groups, but we do not participate in ecumenical activities that compromise our convictions.
What is the church's stance on social issues such as marriage, abortion, and gender identity?
Holy Trinity Reformed Church upholds the traditional Christian view on social issues such as marriage, abortion, and gender identity.
Regarding marriage, we believe that it is a sacred covenant between one man and one woman, as affirmed in Scripture (Genesis 2:24, Matthew 19:5-6, Ephesians 5:22-33). This understanding of marriage has been held by the Church for thousands of years and is grounded in the belief that God created man and woman as “one flesh” in marriage.
On the issue of abortion, we believe that it is a grave sin and a violation of the sanctity of human life. Scripture affirms that life begins at conception and that all human beings, regardless of their stage of development, are made in the image of God (Psalm 139:13-16, Jeremiah 1:5, Exodus 21:22-25). Therefore, we stand against abortion and support policies and initiatives that protect the life of the unborn.
Regarding gender identity, we affirm that God created two genders, male and female, and that biological sex is determined by one's genetics and anatomy at birth. We reject the notion that gender is a social construct or that it can be changed based on personal preference or identity. We believe that gender dysphoria, the experience of distress over one's gender identity, is a real and difficult issue, but that the solution is not to affirm a false identity or to promote harmful medical interventions. Rather, the solution is to provide compassionate care and support while upholding the truth that God created each person male or female.
In summary, Holy Trinity Reformed Church upholds the traditional Christian view on social issues such as marriage, abortion, and gender identity, which is grounded in Scripture and affirmed by the historic Christian faith. We seek to uphold these beliefs with compassion, grace, and truth, while standing firm on God's Word.
For more information on marriage and sexuality please see the Declaration of Doctrine and Policies Concerning Sexuality.
For more information about abortion please see Abortion and the Church.
Regarding marriage, we believe that it is a sacred covenant between one man and one woman, as affirmed in Scripture (Genesis 2:24, Matthew 19:5-6, Ephesians 5:22-33). This understanding of marriage has been held by the Church for thousands of years and is grounded in the belief that God created man and woman as “one flesh” in marriage.
On the issue of abortion, we believe that it is a grave sin and a violation of the sanctity of human life. Scripture affirms that life begins at conception and that all human beings, regardless of their stage of development, are made in the image of God (Psalm 139:13-16, Jeremiah 1:5, Exodus 21:22-25). Therefore, we stand against abortion and support policies and initiatives that protect the life of the unborn.
Regarding gender identity, we affirm that God created two genders, male and female, and that biological sex is determined by one's genetics and anatomy at birth. We reject the notion that gender is a social construct or that it can be changed based on personal preference or identity. We believe that gender dysphoria, the experience of distress over one's gender identity, is a real and difficult issue, but that the solution is not to affirm a false identity or to promote harmful medical interventions. Rather, the solution is to provide compassionate care and support while upholding the truth that God created each person male or female.
In summary, Holy Trinity Reformed Church upholds the traditional Christian view on social issues such as marriage, abortion, and gender identity, which is grounded in Scripture and affirmed by the historic Christian faith. We seek to uphold these beliefs with compassion, grace, and truth, while standing firm on God's Word.
For more information on marriage and sexuality please see the Declaration of Doctrine and Policies Concerning Sexuality.
For more information about abortion please see Abortion and the Church.
What is the church's position on politics and government?
At Holy Trinity, we affirm that civil government is a God-ordained institution and that Christians have a responsibility to obey civil authorities, except when those authorities require disobedience to God's commands. We encourage Christians to engage in political and social issues, advocating for the rule and reign of Jesus Christ over all things. Christians may accept and execute the office of a civil ruler if called to do so, but must maintain piety, justice, and peace in accordance with the laws of the land.
We believe that civil government should be based on the rule of law, protecting the rights and freedoms of its citizens. Civil government is ordained by God with the power of the sword to defend and encourage those who do good, and to punish those who do evil. While civil rulers should not interfere in matters of faith, it is their duty to protect the church and its members in the exercise of their religious functions. Christians should pray for and honor their leaders, pay taxes, obey lawful commands, and submit to authority for conscience' sake. All lawful religious and ecclesiastical assemblies should be held without molestation or disturbance.
Moreover, we affirm the significance of strong families, churches, and other institutions in promoting social order and stability. Although civil government has an essential role to play in society, its power should be limited and balanced by other institutions and authorities. The church and the family are the primary institutions, in addition to civil government.
In conclusion, the church's position on politics and government is that civil rulers have been given authority by God for the public good. Christians should obey lawful authority, pray for their leaders, and maintain the freedom to practice their faith without interference.
We believe that civil government should be based on the rule of law, protecting the rights and freedoms of its citizens. Civil government is ordained by God with the power of the sword to defend and encourage those who do good, and to punish those who do evil. While civil rulers should not interfere in matters of faith, it is their duty to protect the church and its members in the exercise of their religious functions. Christians should pray for and honor their leaders, pay taxes, obey lawful commands, and submit to authority for conscience' sake. All lawful religious and ecclesiastical assemblies should be held without molestation or disturbance.
Moreover, we affirm the significance of strong families, churches, and other institutions in promoting social order and stability. Although civil government has an essential role to play in society, its power should be limited and balanced by other institutions and authorities. The church and the family are the primary institutions, in addition to civil government.
In conclusion, the church's position on politics and government is that civil rulers have been given authority by God for the public good. Christians should obey lawful authority, pray for their leaders, and maintain the freedom to practice their faith without interference.
How can I contact the church's leadership or staff with further questions or concerns?
You can contact us by email at [email protected] or by phone at 912-978-0279.