By James Brown Jr. Many today are finding solace in the anti-repentance heresy. However, it is bring comfort in sin rather than the peace of God in the forgiveness and cleansing of sin. Do not be deceived! A Matter of Life and Death is a booklet that has been converted for online use.
By James Brown Jr. In 1947, Rev. Peter Marshall told the United States Senate, “The choice before us is plain: Christ or chaos, conviction or compromise, discipline or disintegration.” We have experienced the chaos, compromise, and disintegration, it is way past time to repent and submit to the Lordship of Jesus Christ.
What makes Holy Trinity Reformed Church different from most churches in Morgan County? The contents of this post were taken from our brochure "Is there a Difference" and revised for website use. Find out why Holy Trinity Reformed Church is different.
The ultimate goal towards which all of God's providential actions converge in this world is the creation of a universal kingdom of righteousness. Jesus came to reconcile this world back to the Father and He will not be defeated.
Liturgy, Community, and Mission
By James Brown Jr. These three words compose our abbreviated mission statement. The fuller the statement reads: "Holy Trinity Reformed Church exists to worship and serve the Triune God in liturgy, community, and mission."
2020 has profoundly impacted the core of our identity as the Church of God and His people. In the midst of the craziness, we need to examine the motivations of our hearts and the truth and wisdom of our thoughts.
A Reformed Response to COVID-19: Heed the Rod!
By James Brown Jr. Part 2 of an article that considers whether COVID-19 is chastisement upon the America Church and a judgment upon our nation for our many sins and abominations.
A Reformed Response to COVID-19: Introduction
By James Brown Jr. Part 1 of an article that considers whether COVID-19 is chastisement upon the America Church and a judgment upon our nation for our many sins and abominations.
Some Practical Benefits of Family Devotions
By Devin Maddox Devin Maddox, elder at Holy Trinity, explains some of the benefits of family worship and encourages readers to become worshipful families.
An Open Letter to our Credo-Baptist and Paedo-Baptist Brethren
By James Brown Jr. Pastor James Brown Jr. explains why he submitted to the governance of Evangel Presbytery as a Baptist minister. This article encourages the reunification of the Church in truth and love.