By James Brown Jr. “The choice before us is plain: Christ or chaos, conviction or compromise, discipline or disintegration.” –Rev. Peter Marshall, 1947
Choose wisely! |
What makes Holy Trinity Reformed Church different from most churches in Morgan County? The contents of this post was taken from our brochure "Is there a Difference" and revised for website use.
WE have seen that the great end in which all the providential activities of God culminate in this world is the establishment of a universal kingdom of righteousness, which is to embrace all men and angels and to endure for ever in absolute perfection and blessedness.
Liturgy, Community, and Mission
By James Brown Jr. These three words compose our abbreviated mission statement. The fuller the statement reads: "Holy Trinity Reformed Church exists to worship and serve the Triune God in liturgy, community, and mission."
This last year has shaken the vary foundations of who we are as the Church of God and the people of God. Conspiracy theories abound, hypocrisy revealed, and unbiblical worldviews prevail. Therefore, we must examine, not only the motivation of our hearts, but the verity and wisdom of our thinking.
A Reformed Response to COVID-19: Heed the Rod!
By James Brown Jr. The purpose of this series of articles is not to debate the science behind viruses or all the "what if's" related to COVID-19. Regardless of the differing speculations and opinions, this is the most significant crisis of our lifetime.
A Reformed Response to COVID-19: Introduction
By James Brown Jr. In what is being described as unprecedented, we were forced into an unfamiliar combination of crisis, pandemic, and lock-down. Our nation was almost completely shut-down, which is unprecedented in the modern American context since vaccines and the digital age.
There have been numerous books, pamphlets, and sermons written on the topic of family devotions or worship in the home. It is not my goal to write comprehensively on the topic, but to remind us all that there are practical benefits we should recognize.
An Open Letter to our Credo-Baptist and Paedo-Baptist Brethren